Brasserie Lac Brompton

Brasserie Lac Brompton

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Q What is the location of Brasserie Lac Brompton?

Brasserie Lac Brompton is located in the municipality of Saint-Denis-de-Brompton in Quebec, Canada.

Q What is the menu at Brasserie Lac Brompton?

The menu at Brasserie Lac Brompton features a variety of French and Quebecois cuisine, including seafood, steak, pasta, and vegetarian options. They also have a selection of desserts and a wine list.

Q Does Brasserie Lac Brompton offer takeout or delivery?

Yes, Brasserie Lac Brompton offers takeout and delivery services. Customers can place orders by phone or online.

Q What are the hours of operation for Brasserie Lac Brompton?

he hours of operation for Brasserie Lac Brompton may vary, but generally they are open for lunch and dinner service. It is recommended to check their website or call ahead to confirm their hours.

Q Does Brasserie Lac Brompton have outdoor seating?

Yes, Brasserie Lac Brompton has outdoor seating available for customers to enjoy their meals in the fresh air.

Q Does Brasserie Lac Brompton have a private event space?

Yes, Brasserie Lac Brompton has a private event space available for weddings, corporate events, and other special occasions. Interested parties can contact the restaurant for more information.
